Bond set for Middletown couple accused of making, posting sex videos showing toddler

Mar. 12—A Middletown couple facing multiple child pornography charges for allegedly making and posting sexual videos in which a young toddler is shown was arraigned Monday in Butler County Common Pleas Court.

Judge Michael Oster Jr. set bond at $50,000 subject to 10 percent rule each for Tiffany Morningstar and Daveion Wright, who are facing a combined 18-count indictment for an alleged incident that happened on Jan. 27, according to the court records and Middletown police.

Morningstar, 22, is charged with seven counts of complicity to pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor, a second-degree felony, and two counts of child endangering, one a misdemeanor and the other a felony.

Wright, 31, is charged with seven counts of pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor and one count of felony child endangering.

If either of them post bond, they are required to wear a GPS monitor, have no contact with children or each other and stay off social media.

A pretrial hearing has been scheduled for April 22.

Middletown police began investigating the couple after receiving a complaint from a woman who said she was watching a Snapchat video of a couple known to her having sex and a nude toddler was in the video, according to court records.

Both Wright and Morningstar were arrested then, and their cases were sent to a grand jury in February. They remain housed in the Butler County Jail on Tuesday morning.

Assistant Butler County Prosecutor Lindsay Sheehan said, “There is a live child that we can identify that is a young toddler. She is involved in the performance rather than actually being sexually abused.”

Sheehan said the videos are part of the investigation.

“She is never being sexually abused herself, but she is involved performance of Tiffany and Daveion engaging in intercourse,” Sheehan said.

She added the toddler is partially nude and a focal point of the video.

The investigation is continuing with other electronics being examined “and maybe at this point we only have part of the picture. There may be more and, if that happens, a superseding (indictment) can be issued,” Sheehan said. “The video we have she is involved in the performance, she is right there.”

There are multiple charges because Wright allegedly recorded the action and created multiple videos, but they are from the same interaction, she said.

“It kind of shocks the conscience when you see it,” Sheehan said.

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