Camouflaged animals are hiding in every one of these photos — can you spot them all?

Discover the fascinating world of camouflage and masterful mimicry in this gallery of hidden animals. From elusive snow leopards to tiny mantises, these animals of all shapes and sizes can blend seamlessly into their environments.

Walking leaves

3 Green leaf insects on branches, mimic the appearance of leaves on a plant.

Just a photo of leaves? Take a closer look …

Found across Asia, three leaf insects (Cryptophyllium westwoodii) cling to the wooden branches of a plant.

Hidden beneath the sand

A horned rattlesnake hidden under the sand with only its eye peaking out from underneath.

A horned rattlesnake hidden under the sand with only its eye peaking out from underneath.

The venomous horned rattlesnake (Crotalus cerastes) is a master of disguise. Hidden deep within the sand, it waits patiently for its prey to come near before striking. It is sometimes called the sidewinder rattlesnake because it throws its body sideways across the ripples in the sand to move around very quickly.

Somewhere in this photo, a golden eye can be seen peeking out from beneath the sand.

Pygmy seahorse

A pygmy sea horse in front of a purple, bobbly coral.

A pygmy sea horse in front of a purple, bobbly coral.

Hippocampus bargibanti was the first pygmy seahorse described in the world. As the name suggests, pygmy seahorses are incredibly tiny, only growing to 0.8 inch (2 centimeters) in length. They seamlessly blend into the coral in the ocean.

A family of mallard ducks

A mother mallard has three ducklings with her, perfectly camouflaged against the rocks just left of the two big rocks, centre frame.

A mother mallard has three ducklings with her, perfectly camouflaged against the rocks just left of the two big rocks, centre frame.

Time for a tricky one. Amid this rocky shore, a mother mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and her three baby chicks are camouflaged perfectly against the terrain.

Almost mistaken as another group of rocks, they sit just left of the two big rocks in the center frame.

Color-changing antics

High casqued chameleon (Chamaeleo hoehnelii) on lichen covered bark

High casqued chameleon (Chamaeleo hoehnelii) on lichen covered bark

Chameleons are famous for their camouflage. Their ability to change color is controlled primarily by their top skin layer, which can change its structure to manipulate how light is reflected.

In this photo, a high-casqued chameleon (Trioceros hoehnelii) hides among the lichen- and moss-covered tree bark.

Lurking in the coral

Stonefish hiding in dead coral.

Stonefish hiding in dead coral.

The most venomous fish in the world is the stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa), and it has a disturbing resemblance to coral-covered rocks in shallow waters.

Look closely, and you may be able to see a face emerge from the coral.

Peering through the tall grass

A Bobcat Hiding and Hunting in the Tall Grass of a California Field with a Face in the the Middle of the Frame well Camouflaged in the tall Yellow Grass

A Bobcat Hiding and Hunting in the Tall Grass of a California Field with a Face in the the Middle of the Frame well Camouflaged in the tall Yellow Grass

A wildcat lurks through the tall grass in this photo. Can you spot it?

Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are quiet hunters that use their dull, dense coats to blend into their surroundings before they pounce at prey.

Himalayan tahr

Perfect camouflage of the Himalayan tahr against the dark rocks.

Perfect camouflage of the Himalayan tahr against the dark rocks.

In the Himalayas and certain parts of New Zealand, large hoofed and goat-like Himalayan tahrs (Hemitragus jemlahicus) live on the mountain slopes and hillsides.

Up high in the trees

Beautiful scenic view of tree with leopard tail hanging down while resting in tree before heading out to hunt in the evening in the Mara Triangle section of the reserve.

Beautiful scenic view of tree with leopard tail hanging down while resting in tree before heading out to hunt in the evening in the Mara Triangle section of the reserve.

Spotted coats help leopards (Panthera pardus) blend into tall grass or tree canopies.

Buried for protection

Stingray hidden in the sand.

Stingray hidden in the sand.

While they rest and digest their food, stingrays use their wings to bury themselves in the sand to hide from predators.

Look closely to spot a pointed tail protruding from the sand.

Wild waved sphinx moth

Camouflaged while perched on tree bark, a wild waved sphinx moth stays hidden during the day in Littleton, Colorado.

Camouflaged while perched on tree bark, a wild waved sphinx moth stays hidden during the day in Littleton, Colorado.

Hiding in plain sight, the waved sphinx moth (Ceratomia undulosa) rests on the bark of a tree.

Amidst the rocky terrain

2 mountain goats are nearly invisible as they stand on a mountain side.

2 mountain goats are nearly invisible as they stand on a mountain side.

This photo was taken in France’s Mercantour National Park after mountain goats were spotted moving across the mountainside.

Hidden in the tundra

Camouflaged hare is nearly invisible in tundra among rocks, lichens and mosses. A hare can be found on the right side of the photo.

Camouflaged hare is nearly invisible in tundra among rocks, lichens and mosses. A hare can be found on the right side of the photo.

Another challenge: Spot the camouflaged hare, which is nearly invisible among the moss, lichen and rocks in the tundra.

White-tailed deer

A group of white-tailed deer stand in quiet camouflage in the forest. Winter in Wisconsin.

A group of white-tailed deer stand in quiet camouflage in the forest. Winter in Wisconsin.

Behind the trees is a group of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), which can be found throughout most of North America.

Although their coats change color from reddish-brown to gray in the winter for camouflage, these deer depend on their excellent hearing and speed to escape large predators such as wolves, bears and mountain lions.

How many do you see?

Hidden woodland songbird

A Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) creeping and climbing up a tree, blending into the tree bark with camouflage. Taken in Victoria, BC, Canada.

A Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) creeping and climbing up a tree, blending into the tree bark with camouflage. Taken in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Rightly named a brown creeper (Certhia americana), this tiny, woodland songbird is a common-but-elusive critter in Central America. These birds spiral up and down large trees, looking for loose bark to nest behind. Their brown and speckled bodies make it difficult to find them when they are perched on a tree.

Concealed in the moors

Wild duck use camouflage color to hide in autumnal orange grass

Wild duck use camouflage color to hide in autumnal orange grass

The mottled brown and tan plumage of this wild mallard helps it blend into its surroundings, providing perfect concealment amid the grass of the moors.

Mimicking caterpillar

Stick caterpillar. Stick caterpillar camouflaged on branch with leaves.

Stick caterpillar. Stick caterpillar camouflaged on branch with leaves.

Many insects use camouflage to mimic objects or animals. Many species of caterpillar in the family Geometridae use camouflage to mimic twigs on plants. Some copy not only the shape, but also the color of a twig.

Mysterious nightjar

A common pauraque rests camouflaged on the forest floor in south Texas.

A common pauraque rests camouflaged on the forest floor in south Texas.

Is it a snake? A lizard? No, it’s a bird.

The common pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis) is a type of nightjar. These medium-size birds have pointed wings and long tails and are active only at night.

During the day, this bird sleeps on the open ground, and its unique coloration allows it to remain hidden.

Cloaked stalking tiger

Tiger hidden in the tall dried grass.

Tiger hidden in the tall dried grass.

You may have been quick to spot the tiger prowling in the background of this photo, but if you were a deer, it would not have been that easy.

In the wild, tigers prey on many types of deer. Deer’s vision is limited to colors on a spectrum between green and blue. This means they don’t see the predator as orange, so the tiger would be green and thus hidden in the dried grass.

Brightly colored crab spider

A yellow Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) perched on a Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) flower. It is using its camouflage to catch insects as they land on the flowers to nectar.

A yellow Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) perched on a Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) flower. It is using its camouflage to catch insects as they land on the flowers to nectar.

Camouflaged on the tops of flower heads, the goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia) waits, with its legs held out to its sides, for pollinating insects to ambush. These spiders’ cryptic colors allow them to hide in white or yellow flowers.

Devil scorpionfish

Devil scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis diabolus) sitting on the reef.

Devil scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis diabolus) sitting on the reef.

The devil scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis diabolus) is a venomous and well-camouflaged marine fish found in the Indo-Pacific region. It possesses spines with toxic venom for defense and relies on its unique appearance to ambush prey.

This species is known for its intricate patterns and colors, making it a fascinating-yet-dangerous inhabitant of coral reefs.

Seamlessly hidden common sole

Common sole hidden in the sand

Common sole hidden in the sand

The common sole (Solea solea) is a flatfish that lives in the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Its upper side mimics the seafloor, blending in with the sand or gravel, while the underside is white to avoid detection from below while it swims. This adaptation helps the sole avoid predators and ambush prey effectively.

Protection for new born chicks

A small pied avocet chick is camouflaged against the dried dirt and rocks on the ground as it sleeps.

A small pied avocet chick is camouflaged against the dried dirt and rocks on the ground as it sleeps.

The pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) is a shorebird that boasts a striking black-and-white pattern and an upturned bill, which the bird uses to sift through sand to find small invertebrates in shallow pools at low tide.

The chicks have silver-gray feathers, which provide effective camouflage in the avocet’s marshy habitat. This plumage helps the bird blend in with its surroundings, offering protection from potential predators. As the chicks grow, their black-and-white coloring will gradually appear.

Amidst the rocky terrain

A snow leopard walks up the mountainside.

A snow leopard walks up the mountainside.

Let’s zoom out for this one.

Known for its shifty nature and distinctive coat, the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) inhabits the steep, rugged terrain of Central and South Asia. The snow leopard has a thick coat, wide paws and a long tail that it uses for balance while climbing mountains.

The king of camouflage

Camouflaged octopus hiding amongst coral.

Camouflaged octopus hiding amongst coral.

Nestled against the coral sits an octopus, the king of camouflage. These alien-like creatures can not only change the color of their bodies but also mimic textures.

An unwelcome tagalong

Camouflaged viper hides in the fallen leaves on the forest floor.

Camouflaged viper hides in the fallen leaves on the forest floor.

Be careful where you step!

At first glance, this photo may seem like a standard image taken during a hike — but the fallen leaves mask an unwelcome tagalong.

Viperidae is a family of snakes, commonly known as vipers, that are venomous, nocturnal and found all over the world. Some are very colorful. Others, like the one in this photo, are dark and marbled, allowing the snakes to blend into the scattered shadows on the forest floor.

Insect or plant?

Close up photo of a stick insect on a plant.

Close up photo of a stick insect on a plant.

Stick insects are known for their mimicry of twigs or branches. Found in the tropics, these critters have elongated bodies and legs, making the insects tricky to spot among the plants.

Perched high in the trees

Well camouflaged screech owl sits perched in hollow hole in a tree.

Well camouflaged screech owl sits perched in hollow hole in a tree.

The Eastern screech owl (Megascops asio), native to North America, is a small bird known for its trill-like calls. With a height of around 6 to 10 inches (16 to 25 cm), it comes in two colors: red and gray. These nocturnal hunters often inhabit wooded areas and are cavity nesters, using abandoned nests or tree hollows.

Amongst the rocks and boulders

Oenanthe melanura bird on a rock.

Oenanthe melanura bird on a rock.

You have eagle eyes if you can spot the small bird in this photo.

Oenanthe melanura, commonly known as the blackstart, grows to a maximum height of 5.5 inches (14 cm). It is found in rocky habitats and arid landscapes across Southern Europe and North Africa, and often nests in rock crevices.

The floral mimicry of an orchid mantis

Orchid mantis in the center frame on a stem surrounded by other flowers that look very similar.

Orchid mantis in the center frame on a stem surrounded by other flowers that look very similar.

Orchid mantises (Hymenopus coronatus) look and behave like flowers. This behavior involves swaying from side to side to resemble a flower blowing in the wind. They use this technique for both hunting and hiding.

A stealthy stalker hidden in the tall grass

wild cheetah hides in grass.

wild cheetah hides in grass.

The fastest mammal in the world is also one of the best-camouflaged animals. The spots on cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) help camouflage their bodies by offsetting shadows against the tall grasses in their habitats. While camouflaged, they can stalk their prey without being seen and protect their cubs from predators.

Eurasian bittern amongst the reeds

A eurasian bittern hides amongst the tall reeds.

A eurasian bittern hides amongst the tall reeds.

The Eurasian bittern (Botaurus stellaris) is a wading bird known for its elusiveness and camouflaged plumage. Found in wetlands across Europe and Asia, it is known for its booming calls during breeding season.

Frosty disguise of an arctic hare

An arctic hare lay camouflaged among the snow and boulders of the Hudson Bay.

An arctic hare lay camouflaged among the snow and boulders of the Hudson Bay.

The Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) is adapted to harsh Arctic climates. Known for its white fur in the winter and dark fur in the summer, it has large hind legs and padded feet that hold its weight above thick snow for running swiftly at up to 37 mph (60 km/h).

Mealy amazon parrots

A group of Mealy Amazon parrots sit in a tree.

A group of Mealy Amazon parrots sit in a tree.

How many can you see?

A group of southern mealy Amazon parrots (Amazona farinosa) is found high in a subtropical forest in Ecuador.

Long-spinnered bark spider

camouflage spider staying on the dry hard wood texture.

camouflage spider staying on the dry hard wood texture.


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Can you find the eight-legged trickster hidden in this photo?

This spider is known as a long-spinnered bark spider or two-tailed spider, part of the genus Hersilia. It is named after its large spinnerets, the silk-spinning organ on the back of its abdomen.

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