Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service reveals how many lorries wait in line on border

As of 26 December, over 3,000 lorries are waiting in line on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, in a comment for Ukrinform

Quote: “According to the information of the Polish border guards, as of the morning of 26 December 3,000 lorries are queuing to enter Ukraine in three directions: 900 freight-carrying vehicles in Rava-Ruska, 640 in Krakovets, 1,500 in Yahodyn.”

Demchenko specified that on 24 December the traffic in the direction of the Shehyni checkpoint was unblocked, while a line of 700 lorries still remains.

On the Ukrainian-Slovak border, 560 lorries are waiting at the entrance to Ukraine in the Uzhgorod checkpoint as of the morning of 26 December. 750 lorries are waiting to cross the Hungarian-Ukrainian border in the direction of Ukraine at the Tysa checkpoint.

750 lorries are waiting at the Porubne checkpoint in the direction of Ukraine on the Ukrainian-Romanian border.


On the morning of 24 December, lorry traffic resumed through the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Polish border which had been blocked since the end of November by Polish farmers who demanded the government for protection from Ukrainian manufacturers.

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