Western Taney County firefighter accused of creating, sharing child sex abuse material

A Western Taney County Fire Protection District firefighter was arrested Wednesday after federal investigators accused the Hollister man of creating and distributing material depicting the sexual abuse of children.

Cameron Allen Ryan, 32, is in Greene County Jail following a recent online sting in which a federal investigator posed as a man seeking sexually explicit content of young girls. Following a series of leads, the investigator said he came into contact with the account “Jack Dodd” that indicated it was sending, receiving and creating sexual abuse material.

Ryan is accused of using the “Jack Dodd” pseudonym and seeking sexual material of girls aged 6-12. In the online chat, he allegedly told the undercover investigator that the content he sent was created from home.

Cameron Allen Ryan

In the chat that was transcribed in charging documents, Ryan indicated he was married with two young children. When asked if his wife knew about the content Ryan is accused of creating, he said “Noooo.”

Western Taney County Fire Protection District released a statement on Ryan’s arrest, noting that he has been suspended and “will remain so until the charges against him are processed through our legal system.”

More: Springfield man pleads guilty to receiving, distributing child sex abuse material

“The Western Taney County Fire District and its members in no way condone the alleged behavior and acts that Mr. Ryan is being accused of. Furthermore, the fire district has no reason to believe that these events occurred on fire district property or involved other fire district members in any way. All indications are that he acted alone.

“All members of the fire district are extremely disappointed that this has occurred and do not in any way condone any behavior that doesn’t align with the values of our fire district. We also understand the actions that Mr. Ryan is accused of will hurt the reputation of our organization and our members because he was an active member of our organization.”

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Taney County firefighter facing federal child pornography charge

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