Canton Repository Kid of Character: Sara Gamber, Sandy Valley

NAME – Sara Gamber

SCHOOL – Sandy Valley Middle School

RESIDENCE – Waynesburg

AGE – 11

PARENTS – Kelly and Jake Gamber

SIBLINGS – Beth and Becca Gamber


NOMINATION –“‘Think positive and try to find the good in all things,’ is the motto Sara Gamber follows and demonstrates to others at Sandy Valley Middle School. She is a leader among her peers because she sets a positive example wherever she goes. Sara actively serves her community as a member of 4-H and FFA and also plays basketball. As a hobby, she likes showing her steer. Someday, Sara hopes to become a veterinarian. Sara continues to make SVMS proud!”

PLEASE TELL US WHY YOU PERFORMED THE ACT OF KINDNESS – I performed the act of kindness because I want to make others feel happy.

DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE VIDEO GAME, BOOK OR TV SHOW? – My favorite TV show is “The Incredible Dr. Pol,” and my favorite book is “Who is Temple Grandin.”

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? – I want to be a vet.

IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT SCHOOL, WHAT WOULD IT BE? – There are a lot of kids who are lonely, and I hope that at least everyone has one friend.

IF YOU COULD HAVE A SUPERPOWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE AND HOW WOULD YOU USE IT TO CHANGE THE WORLD? – My superpower would be teleporting so I can help many people.

Sara Gamber, a sixth-grader at Sandy Valley Middle School, is a Canton Repository Kid of Character for December.

Other nominations


Sophia White, Alliance Middle School, eighth grade – She has a great personality and is willing to help out her classmates as well as her teachers. Sophia visits her teachers every day to say good morning and give them high fives.

Macen Kager, Alliance Middle School, eighth grade – Macen is a very hard-working and studious young man. He is always present and always on task. His work is always done on time, and he does a great job helping out his fellow students. He is a true leader in the classroom.


Maizie Klever, AIM Academy, sixth grade – Maizie is a top leader at AIM. She is a peer mediator and helps in the office during her recess time. She has a positive attitude and is a role model for our younger students.

Diego Perez-Batton, Crenshaw Middle School, seventh grade – Diego is always on task, willing to help others, and completes his work with expertise and care. He is looked up to by his peers and leads in a positive direction.

Hailey Smith, BVA, eighth grade – Hailey takes being a student athlete very seriously and understands how important it is to contribute to the positive culture of a classroom. Hailey is so trustworthy and kind, smart and conscientious, she is a teacher’s (and principal’s) dream!

Bradyn Manning, STEAMM Academy, fifth grade – Bradyn Manning is always ready to help others. He is currently fundraising for a peer who has lost everything in a fire and one of his fellow students nominated him to be student of the month because of his great attitude and his daily demonstrations of kindness.


Harlee Deetz, Canton South Middle School, sixth grade – Harlee’s transformation over the school year has been a pleasure to watch, and she has become a shining example of positive change. Harlee is not only an active participant in class discussions but has also taken on a role as a supportive peer, consistently offering help to her classmates. Her willingness to engage in learning and contribute positively to the classroom environment has not gone unnoticed.

Jaden Briggs, Canton South Middle School, sixth grade – Jaden comes to school every day with a positive attitude and willingness to learn. He is very enthusiastic about learning, adding a lot of energy and discussion in class. He is always respectful and asks questions about concepts he needs help understanding.

Kamry Shaver, Canton South Middle School, sixth grade – Kamry is a respectful, hard-working, and kind young lady! She comes to class prepared, works diligently, and offers to help any student who needs it.

Xavier Murphy, Canton South Middle School, sixth grade – Xavier is a quiet leader. He comes to school every day prepared to learn, participates in class frequently, and gives his best effort in all that he does. Xavier is very respectful and accountable, and definitely has qualities that will make him achieve success in school and beyond.


Avery Klein, Fairless Middle School, sixth grade – Avery is a mature young lady who actively participates in class discussions. She is a self-motivated young lady who displays leadership qualities. Avery is a hard-working student who strives for excellence and is a role model for her peers.

Aaron Ecenbarger, Fairless Middle School, seventh grade – Aaron is always engaged in class. He asks great questions and always tries his best. He is a good role model for his peers.


Cole Bradshaw, Sauder Elementary, fifth grade – Cole is a leader because of the academic and social choices he makes. He consistently has a positive attitude and unselfishly helps others and demonstrates kindness.


Brooke Kieffer, Lake Center Christian School, seventh grade – Brooke is a kind and compassionate student who strives to love each classmate around her in a positive way. She completes her work with diligence and excellence and is respectful to her classmates and teachers.

Jeremiah Coblentz, Lake Center Christian School, sixth grade – Jeremiah demonstrates care and compassion to those around him. He is faithful and diligent in his work and in his interactions with others. Jeremiah displays a joyful heart in all that he does and shows respect to teachers and adults.


Kinsley Claytor, Lake Middle/High School, sixth grade – Kinsley Claytor is a quiet leader, always willing to help someone in need. She is responsible in and out of the classroom, embracing challenges with a positive attitude and a smile. Her respect for adults and peers is enviable for a 6th grader and she demonstrates the qualities of a positive role model for others. She exemplifies what it means to be a Blue Streak!

Vitaliy Vashchyshyn, Lake Middle/High School, sixth grade – Vitaliy Vashchyshyn is an outstanding young man, stepping up as a peer helper without being asked and always willing to be a friend to others. He seeks knowledge in his questions and demonstrates a strong work ethic in all he does. He is a wonderful example of Blue Streak pride and expectations!

Katie Bargmann, Lake Middle/High School, eighth grade – Katie is such a deserving student who deserves recognition for her character and positive leadership in the classroom. She can bring a smile to the faces of her teachers and classmates because of her positive attitude and behavior. She is an amazing student and is a perfect example of what makes Lake great.

Julian Booth, Lake Middle/High School, eighth grade – Julian has such a kind and caring heart. His teachers would categorize him as one of the nicest students they have ever had. That is because Julian continuously displays a positive character and humility every day in the classroom. He is the type of student that every parent would want their kids to be friends with because he is a great positive role model. Julian is well deserving of being recognized for his character.


Grayson Ackerman, Louisville Elementary, fourth grade – Grayson is an extremely hardworking student. He completes his assignments on time, shows strong effort to learn all subjects and enjoys his accomplishments and values his academic success. Grayson demonstrates excellent behavior inside and outside of the classroom. He is well-mannered and respectful to his peers and teachers.

Rachel Thatcher, Louisville Middle School, seventh grade – Rachel demonstrates kindness by being a good friend to all. In addition to this she is a good role model for an excellent work ethic. She pushes herself to achieve highly in all of her classes.

Gunnar Greco, Louisville Middle School, seventh grade – Gunnar Greco is one of the most positive and upbeat students at Louisville Middle School. He takes time to greet students and staff in a very genuine way! It has been observed that he was reaching out to new students to be sure they felt welcome and had friends at LMS!


Lydia Byers, Washington Elementary, fifth grade – Lydia is an excellent student that is a tremendously hard worker. She is an extremely kind student who goes out of her way to be an outstanding friend to anyone.

Vahlen Dehoff, Washington Elementary, fifth grade – Vahlen is a dependable student that enjoys school and tries his best. He has a desire to well in all areas and always puts his best foot forward.

Alea Bates, Marlington Middle School, seventh grade – Alea is an extremely mature and thoughtful student. She is constantly bettering herself, both inside the classroom and out. For example, you will rarely find her without a book in her hands.

Ryan Rhoads, Marlington Middle School, seventh grade – Ryan brings a smile and positivity wherever he goes. He is a very hard worker, and he is a great role model for those around him.


Morgan Menches, Massillon Junior High School, seventh grade – Morgan is an excellent student and a great role model. She participates in the band and excels in her academics. She always has a smile on her face and has a great sense of humor. She brings her enthusiasm for learning into class everyday. She truly makes the day better for everyone she interacts with. She deserves to be recognized for her outstanding character.

Knox Derrow, Massillon Junior High School, seventh grade – Knox is such an exceptional student. He always puts forth 100% effort and is a true leader with a positive outlook. He is a member of the band and choir and excels in his academics. Knox exceeds all expectations inside and out of the classroom, and all his teachers think very highly of him and really enjoy having him! He deserves to be recognized for his outstanding character.

Chassady Croft, Massillon Intermediate School, sixth grade – Chassady Croft is a kind and caring student. Chassady is a great classmate and gives 100% on everything that she does. Even when she’s done with all her work, she asks for ways to get extra practice. In the morning, she is eager to help others who are struggling, pass out Tiger Cards, and even keep our classrooms clean. She comes in every day smiling and ready to learn. Chassady demonstrates a passion for learning by being prepared daily and completing assignments with quality. She is a positive example for other peers to follow.

Marc Masters, Massillon Intermediate School, sixth grade – Marc Masters is constantly someone who comes to class prepared and ready to learn and does more than is expected of him. He works hard on every assignment and helps his classmates who are confused. He always is open to new ideas and topics we discuss and embraces challenges that come with learning new material. Marc is a great kid! He’s responsible, respectful, kind and someone we can count on to be a positive leader in class! He helps teachers when they need it and is a very important member of our class! Moreover, he demonstrates Tiger Pride by exhibiting great behavior and a positive attitude daily.


Lyllie Wolick, Minerva Middle School, eighth grade – Lyllie demonstrates kindness and compassion for others each day at school. She is always positive and has a wonderful attitude at school. Lyllie is able to make friends easily at school and enjoys helping others.


Laura Hayford, North Canton Middle School, seventh grade – Laura Hayford is an exceptional student at North Canton Middle School. She’s a friendly, reliable, and personable leader among her peers. Maintaining top grades, she actively participates in extracurricular activities and positively influences those around her.

Gavin Ninham, North Canton Middle School, seventh grade – Gavin is an extremely hard worker, always putting forth 110% effort in all he does. He is very respectful and considerate to others, always offering a kind word to adults and peers alike. Gavin truly demonstrates all pillars of good character!


Hailey Pfefferle, Northwest Middle School, eighth grade – Hailey is a sweet, kind and hard-working young lady. She excels in her schoolwork and is heavily involved in competitive dance outside of school. When not practicing for shows, Hailey enjoys reading, playing with her younger brothers, or going on walks with her family. She hopes to one day attend college and study to be a pediatric nurse.

Jacob Gill, Northwest Middle School, eighth grade – Jacob is an excellent student who takes several high school-level courses. A member of the school choir and band, Jacob also recently played the role of Eric the butler in the middle school’s fall play. Outside of school, Jacob enjoys spending time with his two cats, and hopes to one day attend college to study medicine at his dream school, UCLA.

Mary Jane (M.J.) Seese, Northwest Middle School, eighth grade – M.J. is an outstanding student who currently takes freshman-level English, Algebra, Spanish and is also in an enriched robotics course. She is active in the YMCA’s Teen Leaders club, as well as the Middle School Speech and Debate Club. In her spare time, she enjoys fishing and experimenting with her family’s 3D printer. The oldest of two children, M.J. hopes to one day attend college and study chemistry.

Landon Cogar, Northwest Middle School, eighth grade – Landon is a student-athlete involved in enriched coursework for English and Spanish. He is a member of the school’s football and basketball teams, and also plays baseball. At home, he enjoys playing video games and fishing. He is the oldest of three children and hopes to one day attend college.


Francis Varian, East Canton Elementary, fourth grade – Francis is a Kid of Character because she always puts other people before herself. We see this both in and out of school. She recently had the opportunity to be a bone marrow donor for her little brother, and she embraced this with open arms. Even though she had to spend a couple weeks out of school, Francis worked hard to stay on top of her schoolwork and seamlessly transition back to school.

Lucas Griffith, East Canton Elementary, fourth grade – Lucas is a Kid of Character due to his continual positive attitude and kindness. Lucas is kind to everyone he meets, and he always works hard. He is conscientious about his work and his interactions with others, and he always demonstrates integrity.


Sophia Cervillino, Oakwood, eighth grade – Sophia Cervillino is a very caring person who is always looking out for others. She takes pride in her work and is a great student!

Xavire Cobb, Glenwood, sixth grade – Xavire is extremely respectful and has set a wonderful example for his peers. He is always exceeding expectations without being told to. He is an excellent friend, classmate, and role model in sixth grade. We are so proud of him!


Riley McDiffitt, Sandy Valley Middle School, eighth grade – If there is one student who is dependable and selflessly serves others, it would be Riley McDiffitt. Riley participates in Future Farmers of America and is a member of the Science Club at Sandy Valley. She is always kind to others and offers to help everyone, often staying behind to assist. Her favorite subject is math. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and reading. Riley aspires to become an artist in the future. We are so proud and lucky to have her at our school!

Owen Simpson, Sandy Valley Middle School, eighth grade – Owen Simpson is a leader among his peers. With many students looking up to him, he excels at wrestling, cross country, track, and baseball. He’s also active in Student Council and Future Farmers of America. Owen received the MVP Award at the Stark County Invitational for Wrestling. At school, his favorite subject is math, and he hopes to study agricultural engineering. When not at school, his hobbies include spending time outdoors fishing and swimming. Great job, Owen!

Ryker Lewis, Sandy Valley Middle School, sixth grade – When thinking of a student who is well-rounded and liked by everyone, Ryker Lewis comes to mind. He says math and science are his favorite subjects because they’re fun. Ryker is most passionate about sports and plays basketball and baseball. He hopes to become a professional baseball player someday. When not on the court or the field, he enjoys spending time with his friends and playing video games. We’re lucky to have such a likable student at Sandy Valley!


Colleen Robertson, St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School, sixth grade – Colleen is respectful, a good friend, and always engaged in activities for school. She demonstrates leadership and responsibility.

Talin Saikumar, St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School, sixth grade – Talin is kind, responsible, and respectful to his classmates and teachers. He is a leader for his class.


Cecilia Kuhn, Sts. Philip and James, fifth grade – Our nominee for Kids with Character is Cecilia Kuhn, who demonstrates all these suggestions. She is very positive, believes in her ability to learn new things – even difficult ones, is not afraid to tell others how she is feeling, and is always willing to help out.


Allison Tondra, Tuslaw Middle School, fifth grade – Allison has a strong work ethic and is a kind, caring person. She is a great role model to her peers.

Liam Nofsinger, Tuslaw Middle School, fifth grade – Liam is a responsible student. He is kind-hearted and a great friend to his classmates.

This article originally appeared on The Alliance Review: Canton Repository Kid of Character: Sara Gamber, Sandy Valley

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